
An intriguing, luxury surface, made using waste sawdust from our workshop.

Red Bio-resin

As a way to minimise waste we developed this unique material after a two-year experimentation process. The hardwearing surface is made up of a combination of fine and coarse sawdust mixed with environmentally friendly paint powder and a bio-resin from Entropy Resins.

Our original deep red colourway is bold and rich, adding an element of intrigue to the surface that contrasts with the natural tones of the chunkier sawdust elements.

Read more about how we developed our Bio-resin material.

Black, Yellow and Brown Bio-resin

As well as our original red bio-resin, we’ve also developed a black, yellow and brown option, for spaces with a more neutral colour palette.

We don’t yet offer take-home samples of our bio-resins, but please pop into our showroom to take a look at our samples in person.